Patient Information
Heart Failure Matters: Practical information for patients, families and caregivers
Heart Failure Information for Patients & Caregivers - Heart Failure Matters
My Rhythm Device: Practical information for patients with medical devices
Access and download ‘MRI My Pacemaker’ resources:
MRI and your pacemaker downloadable version
Background to patient and clinician educational resources
Supportive Palliative Care in Heart Failure
This framework aims to promote an awareness of what palliative care is and encourage the seamless integration of cardiac palliative care core components as appropriate following a diagnosis of Heart Failure. The resources offer practical guidance for patients, carers and professionals and include:
A Cardiac Supportive Palliative Care Guidance professional resource
A What Matters to You? meaningful conversation plan (interactive PDF or printable)
A Supportive Palliative Care in Heart Failure patient and carer information booklet
Following the initial launch of the resource framework in 2022, a UK and Republic of Ireland What Matters Meaningful Conversation Plan (WMMCP) evaluation was conducted involving 23 Heart Failure Specialist Nurse Service sites. The findings from the evaluation have informed the changes now implemented into Version 2 of both the WMMCP and the Cardiac Supportive Palliative Care Guidance (CS-PCG) resources; these are now available to download. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the patient and carer experts, and all the professional stakeholders and associated affiliations who gave their time to contribute to the overall design, development and evaluation of the resources. Additional information about the Cardiac Palliative Care Resource Framework development and evaluation process has been published in a series of papers that are pending publication from September onwards in the British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 2024.
There are several associations that offer patients support and advice. Please click on their logos below for more information.